Looking to make your print production more sustainable?

Find out about the environmental benefits of Canon production inkjet technology

Waterfall going into stream with rocks

Let us help you achieve your sustainability goals with inkjet – the production printing technology for now and the future

At Canon, the philosophy of Kyosei – a Japanese word that means ‘living and working together for the common good’ shapes everything we do as a business and underpins our vision for sustainability in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). This vision not only includes the achievement of our own sustainability goals, but also extends to supporting our customers to achieve their goals through our ongoing development of innovative products and services.

While by its nature digital printing offers many sustainability benefits, such as less waste and chemical-free production, as well as more sustainable business models, we take those benefits to a higher level with our production inkjet technology. Sustainability is a key consideration from the very start of the development of a Canon inkjet press – using sustainable and/or recycled materials and energy-efficient manufacturing processes, and eliminating hazardous substances wherever possible.

During their lifetime, Canon inkjet presses deliver a multitude of environmental benefits thanks to their use of ultra-long life piezo print heads and water-based pigment inks, which generate no ozone and negligible emissions of volatile organic compounds and show good deinking properties. The low energy consumption of our inkjet presses also meets the Nordic Swan requirements, enabling customers to achieve Nordic Swan Ecolabel 041 certification.

As a result of our intention to maximise the economic life of our inkjet presses, they also have a high refurbishment rate and at least 80% of their parts can be recycled within industry standard recycling processes.

If you like what you’ve read and would like to find out more about how Canon’s inkjet presses could help your business to reach its sustainability objectives, download our guide Canon Production Printing – A sustainable partner.

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High-quality print with less waste and lower emissions

Discover how Canon inkjet technology can help you reduce your impact on the environment

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