

From beginners to professional photographers, find your style in our range of compact, mirrorless and DSLR cameras.

Our genuine Canon cameras use state-of-the-art technology to provide high-quality imagery that caters for beginners through to professionals. Innovative features and new solutions always give users their desired result, with a range of customisable options giving users control over their image. Discover a wide range of cameras, from advanced DSLRs and mirrorless bodies, to compact Canon cameras for beginners.

Our Top Picks

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Accessory Finder

Whether it’s a cable, spare battery or Wi-Fi transmitter, equip your gear with compatible accessories with the help of our Accessory Finder

We have a wide range of cameras available, from modern mirrorless digital cameras to more basic entry-level compacts. To make your choice easier, find your ideal Canon camera by searching by use, by genre and by type.

Find cameras for sports, travel and wildlife, or find premium DSLRs, modern mirrorless options, or search specifically for larger full-frame cameras to smaller APS-C designs.

Whatever photography you want to take, we’re sure you can find the camera for you. If you’re still searching, check out our top picks for a head start.